Trust Investment Policy Statement


Written by True Tamplin, BSc, CEPF®

Reviewed by Subject Matter Experts

Updated on July 12, 2023

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What Is a Trust Investment Policy Statement?

A trust investment policy statement is a formal document outlining the objectives, strategies, and guidelines for the management of a trust's assets. It serves as a roadmap for trustees and investment managers, providing a clear framework for decision-making and accountability.

The primary purpose of a trust investment policy statement is to ensure the trust's assets are managed in accordance with the trust's objectives and the best interests of its beneficiaries.

It establishes a foundation for sound investment practices, reduces potential conflicts of interest, and facilitates effective communication among all parties involved.

Key components of a trust investment policy statement include the legal and regulatory framework, trust objectives and constraints, asset allocation and diversification, investment selection criteria, monitoring and review, and roles and responsibilities.

Each component is critical to the overall success and proper management of the trust.

Legal and Regulatory Framework of Trust Investment Policy Statements

Fiduciary Responsibilities of Trustees

Trustees have a legal obligation to act in the best interests of the trust's beneficiaries. This fiduciary duty requires trustees to manage the trust's assets prudently, with a focus on preserving and enhancing the value of the trust's investments over time.

Applicable Laws and Regulations

Trustees must adhere to various laws and regulations that govern the management of trust assets, such as the Uniform Prudent Investor Act (UPIA) and the Employee Retirement Income Security Act (ERISA).

These laws establish standards for the prudent management of trust investments, ensuring that trustees fulfill their fiduciary responsibilities.

Compliance with Investment Guidelines and Restrictions

The trust investment policy statement should outline any investment guidelines and restrictions that apply to the trust's assets.

Trustees must ensure that they and any investment managers they engage comply with these guidelines, as failure to do so could result in legal and financial consequences.

Crafting a Comprehensive Trust Investment Policy Statement: Key Elements and Considerations

Defining the Trust's Goals

A trust investment policy statement must clearly outline the trust's investment objectives, which may include income generation, capital preservation, or capital appreciation.

These objectives should be aligned with the trust's overall purpose and the needs and preferences of its beneficiaries.

Identifying the Trust's Time Horizon

The trust's time horizon refers to the period over which the trust's assets will be managed, usually determined by the expected duration of the trust. Identifying the time horizon is crucial, as it influences the appropriate investment strategies and risk tolerance for the trust's assets.

Addressing the Trust's Risk Tolerance

Risk tolerance is a measure of the trust's willingness to accept fluctuations in the value of its investments.

A trust investment policy statement should address the trust's risk tolerance by specifying the types and levels of risk that are acceptable, given the trust's objectives and time horizon.

Considering the Trust's Liquidity Needs

Liquidity needs refer to the trust's requirement for readily accessible funds to meet its obligations, such as distributions to beneficiaries or payment of expenses.

A trust investment policy statement should consider the trust's liquidity needs when determining the appropriate investment strategy and asset allocation.

Assessing Any Unique Circumstances or Constraints

The trust investment policy statement should also address any unique circumstances or constraints that may affect the management of the trust's assets, such as restrictions on specific investments, tax considerations, or the presence of unique assets within the trust.

These factors must be considered to ensure that the trust investment policy statement accurately reflects the trust's specific situation.


Asset Allocation and Diversification

Importance of Asset Allocation

Asset allocation plays a critical role in determining a trust's long-term investment performance and risk profile.

By strategically allocating assets across different asset classes, trustees can optimize the risk-return trade-off, increasing the likelihood of achieving the trust's investment objectives.

Developing an Asset Allocation Strategy

A well-defined asset allocation strategy takes into account the trust's objectives, risk tolerance, time horizon, and liquidity needs.

Trustees should consider factors such as historical performance, correlations between asset classes, and market conditions when determining the optimal allocation for the trust's assets.

Diversification Principles

Diversification is the process of spreading investments across various asset classes and securities to reduce risk.

By adhering to diversification principles, trustees can mitigate the impact of poor performance in any single investment or asset class, thereby enhancing the trust's overall portfolio stability.

Rebalancing Guidelines

Rebalancing is the process of periodically adjusting the trust's portfolio to maintain its target asset allocation.

A trust investment policy statement should establish guidelines for rebalancing, including the frequency of reviews and the acceptable deviations from the target allocation, to ensure that the trust's risk profile remains consistent with its objectives.

Investment Selection Criteria

Identifying Suitable Investment Vehicles

Trustees must identify appropriate investment vehicles that align with the trust's investment objectives and risk tolerance.

These may include stocks, bonds, mutual funds, exchange-traded funds (ETFs), and other securities or investment products that meet the trust's criteria for performance, risk, and diversification.

Performance Benchmarks and Comparisons

A trust investment policy statement should outline the performance benchmarks to be used for comparing and evaluating the trust's investments.

These benchmarks, typically represented by market indices or peer group comparisons, provide a reference point for assessing the trust's investment performance relative to its objectives and the broader market.

Assessing Fees and Expenses

Fees and expenses can significantly impact a trust's net investment returns.

Trustees should consider the fees and expenses associated with various investment vehicles and managers, weighing the potential benefits against the costs to ensure that the trust's assets are managed cost-effectively.

Evaluating Manager Selection and Due Diligence

When engaging investment managers or advisors, trustees should conduct thorough due diligence to assess their qualifications, experience, and track record.

A trust investment policy statement should outline the criteria for manager selection, such as investment philosophy, performance history, and risk management practices, to ensure a consistent approach to hiring and evaluating investment professionals.

Monitoring and Review of Trust Investment Policy Statements

Ongoing Performance Monitoring

Trustees are responsible for regularly monitoring the trust's investment performance to ensure that it remains aligned with the trust's objectives and risk tolerance.

Performance monitoring should include a review of individual investments, asset allocation, and overall portfolio performance relative to established benchmarks.

Regular Reporting and Communication With Beneficiaries

Trustees must maintain open lines of communication with the trust's beneficiaries, providing regular updates on the trust's investment performance, any changes to the trust investment policy statement, and other relevant information.

Transparent reporting enhances trust and ensures that beneficiaries are well-informed about the management of the trust's assets.

Periodic Review and Adjustment of Trust Investment Policy Statement

A trust investment policy statement should be subject to periodic review and adjustment to reflect changes in the trust's objectives, risk tolerance, or other relevant factors.

This may include updates to the asset allocation strategy, investment selection criteria, or rebalancing guidelines, ensuring that the trust investment policy statement remains relevant and effective over time.

Addressing Any Material Changes in Trust Objectives or Constraints

Trustees must be prepared to respond to material changes in the trust's objectives or constraints, such as changes in the trust's time horizon, risk tolerance, or legal and regulatory requirements.

Timely adjustments to the trust investment policy statement and the trust's investment strategy are essential for maintaining alignment with the trust's evolving needs and circumstances.

Roles and Responsibilities of Trustees & Advisors

Defining Trustee Responsibilities

A trust investment policy statement should clearly outline the responsibilities of trustees in managing the trust's assets, including investment selection, monitoring, and communication with beneficiaries.

By defining their responsibilities, trustees can establish accountability and ensure that all aspects of the trust's management are properly addressed.

Identifying Any Investment Advisors or Managers Involved

In addition to the trustees, the trust investment policy statement should identify any investment advisors or managers who will be involved in the management of the trust's assets.

Their roles and responsibilities should be clearly defined to ensure a coordinated approach to the trust's investment strategy and decision-making process.

Establishing Clear Lines of Communication

Effective communication is essential for the successful management of a trust's assets.

A trust investment policy statement should establish clear lines of communication among trustees, investment managers, advisors, and beneficiaries, promoting transparency and fostering a collaborative approach to the trust's investment strategy.

Final Thoughts

A trust investment policy statement is a critical tool for the effective management of a trust's assets.

By outlining the trust's objectives, constraints, and investment strategies, a trust investment policy statement provides a clear roadmap for trustees and investment managers, promoting accountability and facilitating effective decision-making.

A well-defined trust investment policy statement should address key components, including the legal and regulatory framework, asset allocation and diversification, investment selection criteria, monitoring and review, and roles and responsibilities.

Adherence to a trust investment policy statement is essential for ensuring that the trust's assets are managed in the best interests of its beneficiaries and in compliance with applicable laws and regulations.

Trustees must remain committed to ongoing monitoring, review, and adjustment of the trust investment policy statement to ensure its continued relevance and effectiveness in achieving the trust's objectives.

By establishing clear lines of communication and promoting transparency, trustees can foster trust and build long-term relationships with beneficiaries, maintaining the integrity and sustainability of the trust for generations to come.

To ensure the proper creation and implementation of a trust investment policy statement, as well as the effective management of your trust's assets, we encourage you to seek the services of an experienced estate planning lawyer.

A knowledgeable attorney can provide valuable guidance and support throughout the entire process, from drafting the trust investment policy statement to addressing any legal and regulatory requirements.

Trust Investment Policy Statement FAQs


About the Author

True Tamplin, BSc, CEPF®

True Tamplin is a published author, public speaker, CEO of UpDigital, and founder of Finance Strategists.

True is a Certified Educator in Personal Finance (CEPF®), author of The Handy Financial Ratios Guide, a member of the Society for Advancing Business Editing and Writing, contributes to his financial education site, Finance Strategists, and has spoken to various financial communities such as the CFA Institute, as well as university students like his Alma mater, Biola University, where he received a bachelor of science in business and data analytics.

To learn more about True, visit his personal website or view his author profiles on Amazon, Nasdaq and Forbes.

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