A nest egg is the money set aside for an emergency, or to be saved and invested with the goal of gaining financial freedom. The nest egg should be built up gradually, and never touched until it's needed to provide for you or your family. This can help anyone save for future expenses such as college tuition, medical bills, home renovation projects, emergencies, retirement and more. The most important thing to remember about your nest egg is that it should not be touched until after an emergency, or until you are ready to begin investing/putting it towards your retirement savings. It may seem simple but the only way to create a nest egg is to save your money, instead of spending it on non-essentials or luxury items. If you find yourself living paycheck to paycheck, or struggling with even the most basic bills because you are unable to set aside savings that will last through an emergency then it may be time for you to reevaluate your spending, and find a way to save money. To create a nest egg you must first make a budget and stick to it every month, no matter what emergency or unforeseen expenses come up. You should also take time to set up an emergency fund, so that you have the money you need to pay for any unexpected events or emergencies that may come up in your life. If this proves difficult, try looking at your current expenses and seeing what can be cut from those expenses, so you can put them towards your nest egg. Alternatively, you can put any amount of money towards your nest egg each month. It will add up over time and help get you to that magic number where you have enough money saved to survive an emergency without putting yourself in debt or depleting your nest egg. Now that your nest egg has been created, you can begin putting it towards retirement savings, or investing it. Retirement savings should receive first priority, as it can be one of the most difficult things to save for later in life. Once your nest egg has reached a certain level, you may even want to consider hiring a financial advisor who can help you set up a plan that works best for your nest egg and your retirement savings. The length of time for your nest egg could vary greatly depending on the amount you invest each month and how well you watch over your nest egg, but in general it should take between 4-6 years for a healthy nest egg to be created if you are able to put away any amount of money each month. If you are unable to put aside much in the way of cash, it could take several years longer and even then your nest egg may not be substantial enough to last through an emergency. Your nest egg is definitely safe, as long as you do not touch it unless you are in a dire emergency situation. It is imperative that you do not touch your nest egg until needed, which could be a few days or several years into the future. Your nest egg is essentially an emergency fund, and if you begin dipping into it for non-essential purchases or because of poor financial habits then it will not last through emergencies that may arise. Make sure that once your nest egg is created, you keep track of all your expenditures and make sure that you are not depleting your nest egg for any reason other than an emergency. If you feel like you need to touch your nest egg, because it seems like there is no way to survive the month without using it then it may be time for you to cut back on expenses or look into getting a part-time job so you can replenish your nest egg. There are many benefits to building an emergency fund with your nest egg, including being able to avoid debt and living paycheck to paycheck, but here are some of the most important ones: Without a nest egg in place, you may find yourself turning to credit cards or loans to make up for shortfalls when an emergency arises. Having to resort to these methods of payment can be very costly in the long run, and you may find yourself in financial trouble if you are unable to make your monthly payments on time. Additionally, if you do not set aside money each month for retirement or another nest egg like a savings account then it means that when you make it to retirement age you will be without the money you need to live on. Building a nest egg is an important task for any person, but it can be difficult to do on your own without the proper guidance. If you need assistance with your nest egg, it may be a good idea to contact a financial planner whose services are offered at no cost. They can help lay out a plan for saving and growing your nest egg as well as what you should do if an emergency arises. How Do I Create a Nest Egg?
What Should I Do With My Nest Egg Once It’s Created?
How Long Will It Take Me to Build a Nest Egg?
Is My Nest Egg Safe?
What Are the Benefits of Having a Nest Egg?
What Are the Risks of Not Having a Nest Egg?
Final Thoughts
Nest Egg FAQs
There are many ways to build a nest egg, and it will be different for everyone depending on their own circumstances and their financial habits. Some of the most common ways to build a nest egg include: a) Using an emergency fund b) Saving for retirement c) Investing in a savings account d) Holding off on making purchases that you don't absolutely need.
The amount that you need to set aside each month will depend on your own personal situation, but it is important that you aim for saving a minimum of 3-6 months worth of income. This way if anything happens and you lose your job or have an unexpected expense, you will still have enough money saved to make it through the month.
You should keep your nest egg in a savings account or other secure place where you can access it quickly if necessary. If you need to withdraw money for an emergency, the time it takes to transfer this money between accounts could cost you more than using another option like cash.
Yes, but only in the case of an emergency. If you withdraw money from your nest egg it can be very costly. You will not be charged interest on the amount of money you take out, but there will usually be a fee that is set by your bank or financial institution.
Living paycheck to paycheck is not only hard on your budget, but it may also leave you vulnerable in case of an emergency. If you do not set aside money every month for your nest egg, you may find yourself in a dangerous financial situation where you lack the money to make your monthly payments or survive if you lose your job.
True Tamplin is a published author, public speaker, CEO of UpDigital, and founder of Finance Strategists.
True is a Certified Educator in Personal Finance (CEPF®), author of The Handy Financial Ratios Guide, a member of the Society for Advancing Business Editing and Writing, contributes to his financial education site, Finance Strategists, and has spoken to various financial communities such as the CFA Institute, as well as university students like his Alma mater, Biola University, where he received a bachelor of science in business and data analytics.
To learn more about True, visit his personal website or view his author profiles on Amazon, Nasdaq and Forbes.