Why Does Probate Take So Long?


Written by True Tamplin, BSc, CEPF®

Reviewed by Subject Matter Experts

Updated on July 13, 2023

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Overview of Probate

Probate is a legal procedure through which a deceased individual's estate is administered and distributed. The probate process commences when the deceased individual's representative, known as the executor, files a petition with the probate court.

The process encompasses several stages including validating the will, identifying and inventorying the estate’s assets, settling the debts and taxes, and finally distributing the assets to the heirs or beneficiaries as per the will or state law, if no will exists.

Probate serves a critical role in providing a structured and lawful means of distributing a deceased individual's property. It ensures that all valid claims against the estate are settled and the remaining assets are distributed to the rightful beneficiaries.

Factors Affecting Probate Duration

Complexity and Size of the Estate

Larger and more complex estates, particularly those with a wide array of assets like stocks, real estate, personal belongings, and business interests, typically require a more intricate process of valuation, management, and distribution.

These steps involve multiple tasks and parties like appraisers, realtors, and tax professionals, and hence, more time.

Absence or Existence of a Will

A well-drafted and valid will can simplify probate by providing clear instructions on the distribution of assets.

On the contrary, the absence of a will, or intestacy, may lead to extended probate as state laws dictate the distribution of assets, which often leads to additional legal proceedings to establish heirs and their respective shares.

Geographic Distribution of Estate Assets

If the deceased owned properties or assets in different states or countries, each jurisdiction might have its own unique probate laws and processes.

As such, multiple probate proceedings or an ancillary probate may be required, leading to more time-consuming and complex probate proceedings.

Outstanding Debts of the Deceased

The executor must notify all potential creditors, who are then given a specified time period to file their claims against the estate. This process can be time-consuming, especially if the deceased had significant debts or if disputes arise over the validity of the claims.

Contests Over the Will

Challenges to a will can stem from alleged undue influence, lack of capacity of the testator, or dissatisfaction with the division of assets. Such contests often lead to litigation, which can delay the closure of the estate by months or even years.

Role of the Executor

The executor’s experience and diligence significantly influence the duration of probate. An executor unfamiliar with the probate process or one who fails to perform their duties in a timely manner can slow down the process.

Court System Delays

Depending on the court's workload, staffing, and operational efficiency, getting necessary approvals and appointments can take longer than expected.

Especially in larger jurisdictions or during peak times, the courts may experience backlogs that can slow down the probate process.

Factors Affecting Probate Duration

Implications of a Drawn-Out Probate Process

Delays in Beneficiaries Receiving Assets

An extended probate process can significantly delay beneficiaries from receiving their inheritance. This can create financial hardship for beneficiaries who may be relying on their inheritance for support.

Escalation in Probate Costs

The longer the probate process, the higher the potential costs. These costs can include attorney's fees, court costs, and other administrative expenses that can significantly deplete the estate’s assets.

Increased Potential for Beneficiary Disputes

A drawn-out probate process can lead to heightened tensions and increased potential for disputes among beneficiaries, especially in situations where communication is poor or conflicts already exist.

Effects on Real Property and Business Operations

For estates that include real property or business interests, a lengthy probate process can have significant implications. For example, real estate may fall into disrepair, or business operations may be disrupted if there is uncertainty about ownership or control.

Implications of a Drawn-Out Probate Process

Strategies to Speed Up Probate

Early Preparation of Essential Estate Documents

This includes a well-drafted and up-to-date will, a comprehensive inventory of the deceased's assets, and any other documents related to financial matters or debts.

Clear and organized estate documents not only make it easier for the executor to identify and manage the assets, but also reduce the likelihood of disputes among beneficiaries, thus saving considerable time.

Appropriate Beneficiary Designations

Appropriate beneficiary designations on specific types of assets can bypass probate altogether. This strategy primarily applies to assets such as life insurance policies, retirement accounts, and payable-on-death accounts.

By correctly naming beneficiaries on these accounts, the assets can be transferred directly to the beneficiaries upon the owner's death, without going through probate.

Enlisting the Help of a Probate Attorney

An experienced probate attorney can provide valuable guidance at every step of the process, helping avoid common pitfalls and ensuring all legal requirements are met in a timely manner.

They can assist in document preparation, court filings, asset management, dispute resolution, and many other aspects of probate, all of which can contribute to a quicker and smoother process.

Employing Mediation for Any Disputes

Mediation, a form of alternative dispute resolution, involves a neutral third party who facilitates negotiation and consensus among the disputing parties. It can be a quicker, less contentious, and more cost-effective method of dispute resolution than going through litigation in court.

By resolving conflicts quickly and amicably, mediation can help keep the probate process on track and avoid unnecessary delays.

Strategies to Speed Up Probate

Debunking Probate Myths

Myth 1: Probate Is Always Lengthy and Expensive

While probate can be long and costly in some cases, it's not always the case. The duration and cost of probate vary greatly depending on the complexity of the estate, the effectiveness of the executor, and whether there are any disputes over the will or estate.

Myth 2: All Assets Must Go Through Probate

Not all assets need to go through probate. Assets such as jointly held property, life insurance or retirement accounts with a named beneficiary, and assets held in a living trust are typically exempt from probate.

Myth 3: Possession of a Will Bypasses Probate

Even if the deceased left a will, the estate generally still has to go through probate. However, having a well-crafted will can help streamline the process.

Myth 4: Spouses Automatically Inherit Everything

While it’s commonly assumed that spouses automatically inherit all assets, this isn't always the case. The distribution of assets depends on several factors, including whether there's a valid will, the type of property involved, and state law.

Final Thoughts

Understanding why probate takes so long is crucial for those going through it or preparing for it.

Factors such as the complexity of the estate, the presence of a will, geographic spread of estate assets, outstanding debts, potential disputes, the role of the executor, and court system delays all contribute to the length of the probate process.

A prolonged probate process can have serious implications, including delays in beneficiaries receiving assets, increased costs, increased potential for disputes, and negative impacts on real property and business operations.

To expedite probate, strategies like early document preparation, appropriate beneficiary designations, consulting with a probate attorney, and using mediation for disputes can be effective.

Myths around probate, while common, can lead to misunderstandings and further complications. In sum, being informed and prepared can ease the probate process and potentially reduce the time it takes.

Why Does Probate Take So Long? FAQs


About the Author

True Tamplin, BSc, CEPF®

True Tamplin is a published author, public speaker, CEO of UpDigital, and founder of Finance Strategists.

True is a Certified Educator in Personal Finance (CEPF®), author of The Handy Financial Ratios Guide, a member of the Society for Advancing Business Editing and Writing, contributes to his financial education site, Finance Strategists, and has spoken to various financial communities such as the CFA Institute, as well as university students like his Alma mater, Biola University, where he received a bachelor of science in business and data analytics.

To learn more about True, visit his personal website or view his author profiles on Amazon, Nasdaq and Forbes.

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