Interview with Richard Lusted | Founder of Siam Real Estate | Thailand


Written by True Tamplin, BSc, CEPF®

Reviewed by Subject Matter Experts

Updated on March 21, 2023

Richard Lusted | Founder of Siam Real Estate | Thailand


He went to Thailand and never came back.

Finance Strategists recently talked with Richard Lusted, founder of Siam Real Estate. A native of the UK, Richard moved to Thailand and created a real estate company in 2003 that has come to be a major player in the local property scene.

Who is Richard Lusted?

Q. Who are you and what’s your background?

Richard Lusted comes from England and set up Siam Real Estate in late 2003, having seen the potential of the future Phuket property market. His experience in business spans over 40 years in many vertical markets and industries. His last position was as a senior consultant for IBM in e-business and prior to that as an interim manager and business consultant assisting SME's in the latest internet technologies. Over the years, he has run a number of successful businesses as Managing Director and could be described as a serial entrepreneur. His skills cover sales and marketing, management, organization, and strategy with high business acumen and enthusiasm.

Q. Who has been your biggest influence, and why did they have such a significant effect on you?

I came to Thailand for holiday in 2002, fell in love with the country, land and never went back to the UK. Along the way, I had to re-invent myself after noticing how badly most real estate brokers there went about their job. I studied the market for three months and decided that the anemic number of business opportunities for foreigners made real estate as good a chance as any. Even having no previous experience with property sales, I gave it a go

Q. Knowing what you know now, what would you have told yourself when you were in your twenties?

To listen, learn, be humble, always respect the other point of view, and see every problem has an opportunity


Q. What is Siam Real Estate?

One of the now leading real estate companies in Thailand. We cover Bangkok, Phuket, Pattaya, Hua Hin, Krabi, Samui, Khao Lak, Phang Nga, and Chaing Mai with over 18,000 listings and 65,000 active leads.

Q. What makes Siam Real Estate different from other property sites?

Firstly, our openness and transparency with regular newsletters to 65,000+ clients weekly. Each newsletter contains unique offers such as Bitcoin, virtual viewings, vendor finance, regular Thai news, and links to website content full of useful info. Additionally, we excel at strong marketing campaigns, employ a highly trained staff, and consistently remain at the cutting edge of real estate with new fresh ideas and offers to attract clients from around the world.

Q. What led you to start Siam Real Estate?

The main impetus was the poor standard of real estate in Phuket 22 years ago and the opportunity to do it better. At the time, no license was required to be a real estate broker in Thailand. Since then, I’ve joined the NAR (National Association of Realtors) and, in 2006, took the CIPs course and earned the Certified International Property Specialist designation, then completed the TREBS (Thai Real Estate Business School ) valuation courses.

Q. What has the experience of building the business taught you?

To continue to be professional and offer our clients first-class service pays consistent business dividends and allows us to stay ahead of the competition. (See testimonials at

Q. Where do you see things headed for you in the next 5 years?

Post-pandemic, we foresee a bright future starting next year and expect continued growth in Thailand real estate.

For more information, see

Siam Real Estate


About the Author

True Tamplin, BSc, CEPF®

True Tamplin is a published author, public speaker, CEO of UpDigital, and founder of Finance Strategists.

True is a Certified Educator in Personal Finance (CEPF®), author of The Handy Financial Ratios Guide, a member of the Society for Advancing Business Editing and Writing, contributes to his financial education site, Finance Strategists, and has spoken to various financial communities such as the CFA Institute, as well as university students like his Alma mater, Biola University, where he received a bachelor of science in business and data analytics.

To learn more about True, visit his personal website or view his author profiles on Amazon, Nasdaq and Forbes.